Wednesday 20 February 2013

Goal Setting

Without further ado, we declare our objectives and goals for this year and the years to come:

·         Educating the people around and sensitizing them about environmental issues.

·         Water Conservation and proper utilization. (rain-water harvesting)

·         Take up tree-planting activities (Vana Mahotsav)

·         Effective utilization on electricity and minimizing wastage on campus

·         Establishing a compost unit

·         Conduct awareness campaigns on issues like pollution, utilization of public transport

·         Academic activities like green debate that help to enrich our perspective

·         Environment-related projects by students

·         Organize lectures and demos on campus.

·         Creating awareness among students about use of renewable alternatives

·         Generating technologies to help reduce overuse and misuse, and promote reuse.

·         Campaign against plastic bags

·         Promote awareness about endangered species and the need to protect them.
     As you can see, if you care to go through them, most of the goals although long-term, are achievable and are practical.
                                     ‘WE DO BECAUSE WE CAN’          

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