Wednesday 20 February 2013

RVR & JC CE Eco Club

                    Oh my god, not another club! This is probably the feeling going through your head looking at the title. But hey, hang on.. This is the first Eco-club at our college Give us a chance, mate!!!
                    We won't start with an all-assuming attitude that we can get along dormant for most of the year and drag ourselves through the rest. We start in all earnest, and we intend to make a difference.
                     So, What's new? What's our USP? Are we gonna go around with slogans like 'Nature protects us if we protect it' or 'Save the planet'.. and do nothing ? No. We firmly believe in acting to prevent destruction of nature and to help in its rejuvenation. We believe ' Actions speak louder than words'.
                     Is this an academic, literary or cultural club? Quite honestly, it is a bit of each of them. We will work towards educating people around us to be sensitive to the environment.  And we are committed to making RVR & JC College of Engineering a truly green campus.

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