Monday 22 July 2013

People's Club

                       Welcome back to a new semester, full of new promises. We the members of eco club promise to make this semester more lively and exiting. We plan to do loads of stuff (only with your support and co-operation) that is sure gonna boost your morale up. 
                       We plan to give a new definition to our title 'ECO CLUB' and make it much more than planting trees and saving water (not that such activities are of trivial importance). Its very important to contribute our mite to foster our environment because, we are directly contributing to nation building. 

                     Now that  I've grown tired of using the word 'we' all the time, let me make it very clear to all the folks reading this : the ECO CLUB belongs to every true blue RVR JCian and we need to turn this opportunity into a platform to project ourselves as a young , sensible and thoughtful institution.
                          There is hell a lot of activities we have planned for this semester 
1. Making a power-saving plan for the college (This will turn out to be a rush, given the sheer number of skills required to make this happen.)
2. Changing the food-service system (It stinks right now!!) in the college canteen to prevent wastage of food.
3. (And our most ambitious endeavor)  THE GREEN INNOVATOR AWARD 2013-14
4. Ideate and Debate (A novel competition debating on current problems like the flood situation in Uttarakhand)
5. 'Greener Campus' (make a better and lovable campus)
6. Myth -Buster

And the fun part is, we would like to turn each of these into competitions to bring novelty and excitement to your club!! 
We would like to create history with your help by making this a first among ECO CLUBs in Engineering  Colleges. Our Engineering Prowess waits and pleads to be utilized in this direction.

 Get ready to change perceptions, Get ready to work your grey cells, Get set to welcome the ECO CLUB.  

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