Tuesday 23 July 2013

The GREEN INNOVATOR Award 2013-14

            We plan on conducting an ambitious and rather exciting competition on 13th September, 2013.
            This is certainly one of the best things we have planned of doing this semester and we are looking forward to it.
           The aim of this competition is not just to promote engineering innovation but also to foster green-thinking and a sense of responsibility towards the environment

General Guidelines

All students of 2nd , 3rd, 4th B.Tech (irrespective of branch) are eligible to participate.
The students are to present working/conceptual models of engineering innovations that create  a cleaner environment.
All models/projects need to be economically feasible for implementation by industry.
The problem statements related to all branches of engineering are displayed on the notice-boards and also on the facebook page and official blog of RVRJC ECO CLUB.
Each team participating in the competition can have 1, 2 or at most 3 members.
All models/projects presented should be original ideas.
 Looking forward for interacting with all interested students at the Biotechnology block Seminar Hall, RVR & JC College of Engineering.

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